Reply of the General Administration of food and Drug Administration on conducting the online retail trial of drugs on the Internet third party platform 2017-05-18

Guangdong food and drug administration:
Your bureau "on the Internet third party platform drugs online retail pilot instructions" (Guangdong food and Drug Administration [2014] No. 40) received. After research, we hereby reply as follows:
I agree with your bureau to take the Guangzhou eight hundred Party Information Technology Co., Ltd. as a pilot unit, and carry out the relevant work on the online retail pilot of drugs on the Internet third party platform. Your bureau shall constantly improve and strictly implement the pilot program, the supervision and guidance of the eight hundred party Guangzhou Information Technology Co., regulate the operation, careful analysis and summary of the operation of the pilot work, provide experience for the development of the relevant provisions of the State Administration of.
Two, you should be responsible for the supervision and Management Bureau of the pilot units and the overall work of the pilot trading platform, and the platform of what happened on the Internet and drug transaction supervision behavior, bear the trading platform of drug quality supervision by the pharmaceutical retail chain enterprises in the food and drug regulatory authorities. Your bureau shall require the platform drug retail enterprise to make a written report to the Certification Department of the Internet trading service for pharmaceuticals within 15 days after the contract is signed, and supervise and inspect it.
Three, without the approval of the General Administration, the pilot unit shall not expand the scope and content of the pilot. During the period of the pilot, if the General Administration has made any policy adjustments or issued relevant regulations, the Board shall supervise the strict implementation of the pilot units. Pilot work for a period of one year, the interim report should be reported to the General Administration of the progress of the pilot, the expiration of a comprehensive report should be submitted. In the event of new situations or new problems, timely reports shall be made, and opinions and suggestions shall be put forward.