The summer after eating "avoid heatstroke" 2017-05-18

Summer, the weather is hot, especially after entering the summer, the air humidity increased significantly, poor air circulation, the weather is more sultry. People who work outdoors often suffer heatstroke easily. In addition to take timely treatment after stroke, in the diet also has four needs attention.
First, avoid drinking lots of water.
People should take a small amount of heat, repeatedly drinking water, each with no more than 300 ml is appropriate, avoid drinking too much. Because a lot of drinking water will not only dilute the gastric juice, and thus affect digestion, but also cause reflection, sweating, hyperfunction. As a result, large amounts of water and salt are lost in the body, which can cause heat cramps.
Second, avoid eating plenty of raw fruits.
Most of the people belong to heat the spleen and stomach, if a large number of eating raw fruits, cold food, will damage the spleen yang, stomach motor weakness, cold dampness stagnation, serious will appear diarrhea, abdominal pain and other symptoms.
Third, avoid large amounts of greasy food.
After heatstroke should eat less greasy food, to adapt to the digestive function of summer gastrointestinal. If you eat a lot of greasy food, will increase the burden of the stomach, so that a large number of blood retention in the gastrointestinal tract, the delivery of blood to the brain is relatively reduced, the body will feel tired and aggravating, more likely to cause indigestion.
Fourth, avoid pure tonic.
People after stroke, the heat has not disappeared, although the disease, but not pure tonic. If you think the weak tonic is needed for supplements early completely mistaken, it will make the heat is not easy to fade, or is already waning day will be back, then more The loss outweighs the gain..